• Cum. Mar 21st, 2025 2:05:40 PM


Yeşil bir Dünya Kenti.


This study was undertaken to determine some chemical contents of selected almond types naturally grown in Kemaliye district of Erzincan. Significant differences were reported for some chemical contents, macro and micro nutrients of almond types. Moisture content, fat, crude protein, total sugar, and ash in dry almond weight ranged between 3.60-4.39%, 47.48-56.70%, 19.04-24.51%, 2.56-4.17% and 3.03-4.66% respectively. Mineral contents were determined as 98.5-187.0 mg/100 g for Ca, 360.8-513.4 mg/100 g for Mg,

403.9-800.0 mg/100 g for P, 1677.3-2051.1 mg/100 g for K, 39.77-146.35 ppm for Fe, 77.86-88.44 ppm for Zn, 29.00-33.95 ppm for Mn, 16.0-23.0 ppm for Cu, 56.66-103.88 ppm for Na.(1)

Kaynaklar:  (1)  Aslanta, R.,  Güleryüz, M., Turan, M., Some chemical contents of selected almond (Prunus amygdalus Batsch) types


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